Welcome to LaptopSchools.com!
If you represent a school interested in our services, please click on the "Contact Us" tab.
If you are a parent or student: TO START, please REGISTER* and LOG-IN to see the "Select Your School" tab. Returning visitors, please log-in to select your school.
If you do not see your school listed, please select "Other School" at the bottom to purchase a laptop for your school's BYOD program.
All LaptopSchools Computer Bundles come with:
- Extended Warranty
- Accidental Damage Protection
Register* and log in today!
E-Mail sales@laptopschools.com if you have any questions.
Students and Families: If you are new to our site please click on the "Register" link (underlined above, in the top right corner) so that you may "Log In"; to see your School's Laptop Store listed under the "Select Your School" tab for specific information!
Returning Customers: If you are returning to this site, there is no need to register again, just click on "Log In".
Schools: If you are a Teacher, Administrator or Board Member interested in what LaptopSchools.com has to offer your school, please see the “Info for Laptop Schools” tab for more information!
* THE REGISTRATION BUTTON IS ON THE TOP RIGHT OF THIS PAGE. By registering on this site, you are giving k12experts, Inc. dba LaptopSchools.com, permission to contact you via email. Correspondence may be regarding, but not limited to any purchase(s) made on this site. |